At the risk of furthering the Daily Sun News transition into the Cliven Bundy Gazette, I must question the publisher’s infatuation with the case. The judge’s dismissal did not vindicate the Bundys’ criminal actions nor turn Cliven Bundy into a patriot. No more than O.J. Simpson’s acquittal made him the guardian saint for domestic violence victims.
The Bundys are certainly of local interest for locals who believe they’re not bound by taxes, laws, or social contract. However, the danger is not from deep state Obamanistas hiring BLM snipers to round us righteous rurals into FEMA concentration camps. The danger comes from those who wallow in this toxic mud, who strive for a homeland of “like minded citizens” – call it Liberty State, American Redoubt, or Northwest Imperative.
That the Sun Daily News never explicitly explains these fringe movements means the publisher is either ignorant of their existence or complicit in their resurgence. With his daily deluge of Bundy, this publisher can no longer feign ignorance. So the first impression we offer visitors come not from the words of a journalist but the propaganda of zealots.
It does not matter that you do not read his editorials, that you do not subscribe to this paper, that you do not advertise with the Daily Sun News. Publisher Roger Harnack is splashing his toxic mud in your face, he is soiling your company’s brand, he inhibits the economic revitalization of our community, he obfuscates valid grievances by turning legitimate debate tribal.
~ Ron Fredricks @vezVida