Una Vez En Su Vida

your traditions

your celebration

your memories

The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching.

La verdadera prueba del carácter de un hombre es lo que hace cuando nadie lo está mirando.

About Us

We're here, in Downtown Sunnyside WA, next to Fashion Corner, next to A+ Pawn and Sunnyside Music, across the street from Antojitos Michiocan. 413 South 6th Street, latitude 46° 19′29.0892″ N and longitude 120° 0′47.9808″ W. 745 feet above the sea.

We live in a world of change, a world that radically differs from the one you knew when you began reading this sentence. vezVida embraces change, we thrive on change, we shovel change into the boilers that power our warp reactors.

vezVida is unique. But what is unique today becomes mass market fodder tomorrow. So we have to change. And we change fast, faster than the fastest fast fashion chains. If you want something you saw here last month most likely you will need to wait next month to drive to Portland to find the same product at twice the price. Don't see the dress in your size today - it's because you weren't here yesterday.

vezVida offers an amorphous product mix that shifts with your morphing desires. We offer a huge assortment of wedding arras, quinceañera dolls, anniversary lassos, religious bling, carnal fashion, mind blowing toys, retina ripping art, emotional healing candles - just not at the same point of time. We expanded floor space by breaking down fourth dimensional walls. Don't see what you were looking for today - check out our even better stuff section, over there in aisle tomorrow.

Looking for toys to satisfy your inner nerd? Of course you are or you wouldn't still be reading this. We got plasma balls, mendocino motors, kinetic speakers, animatronic birds that are a hand clap away from full sapience.

What's New

light breaks where no sun shines
A slightly more caustic version of the Finicum letter, this submitted to Sunnyside's Daily Sun News, but made moot by…
The Zealots Propagandist

The Zealots Propagandist

September 30, 2016
At the risk of furthering the Daily Sun News transition into the Cliven Bundy Gazette, I must question the publisher's…
Sunnyside Daily Sun News doubles down on crazy
In an article published Tuesday Dec 19, the Sun actually cites the "Redoubt News" in its latest Cliven Bundy conspiracy…

Today's Playlist

$5 off CDs from today's and yesterday's playlists.
Monday February 10 - happening today  Array ( )

Coming Events

February - March